Saturday 11 April 2009

A bad blogger at exam time

I have to say, I am feeling slightly ashamed by my lack of blogging. I just had a lottle scroll through katy's blog of her adventures in Canada and she really does kick my ass at posting things. She's done about 4 posts in the last 2 days! Anyway, my blogging is probably going to get even worse as yesterday our lifeline in the apartment, the laptop, died. It is extremly sad, well maybe not that sad, but at least quite sad. The tv was broken when we arrived and now with the laptop dead the most exciting things we have to do is read a book and play cards, its like being in olden times. There will be no more DVD watching for us and now we have to trek over to the internet cafe to do important things like check gossip blogs and facebook. We've got a bit of a computer graveyard going on at the flat now: one dead laptop, one dead desktop, and one desktop that could have worked if it hadn't have been on the floor during the flood.

Its actually happened at the worst possible time. Exams are in a couple of weeks and as the 'teachers' we have to write the crazy things. Yesterday I spent about 5 hours sitting on the computer desperately trying to think of different way to test that the children know the alphabet. I have 4 exams to write, all for the little kids. Their English is not so amazing and they can't read much beyond the alphabet. They can speak it ok, so their oral test is fine, but the written one is going to be hard for them. We're suposed to arrange the test so everyone can get at least 40% so my first four pages involve tracing the alphabet, coping 3 letter words and writing their name out. I'm praying they'll all manage that. The volunteers have a crazy folder system in place so they can keep each other informed with what has and hasn't been taught, but this hasn't been kept up to date so we're just teasting them on the things we've taught them. I'm sure it'll be fine!


  1. Do you have an address that a package of goodies could be sent to? I just had an overwhelming attack of empathy, since my laptop is practically the centre of my universe. (Sad but true.) Makes me want to sent you some new stuff to read, a cardboard cut-out of a laptop, whatever else you may be missing...

  2. The only reason I blog more is because I have a less exciting life! But please try and blog more, I love reading it!

    I can't believe you're responsible for writing exam papers. You guys are so grown-up! Keep having fun xxx

  3. I'm sending you happy easter thoughts in the shape of laptop type bunnies:) im sorry for not commenting more in a suportive kinda way but I luv reading everything and i miss you loads and am always hoping you are having a good time. I'm with susie as i wanted to send you a colection of easter eggs but was wondering if it was in fact a good idea?! good luck with the exams my luvly lady:)
