Saturday 18 April 2009

Ages ago when I first got here Uncle Paul said to post pictures of all the food I'd been eating. Around that time I wasn't really eating anything, throwing up a lot and having 'loose motions' so I didn't have much to show. Now I eat a lot, too much really, and I'm fattening up! In the evenings our 'maid' cooks for us. Depending on how she feels it can be amazing (parathas with vegetable curry) or terrible (plain noodles with one pepper). We've taken to forcing her to put at least four different vegetables in our food, she resisted well but we've finally crushed her. Sometimes when she comes first thing in the morning we're all still asleep and she starts making wierd things in the kitchen. One morning we were confronted with a plate of spicey noodles, another we had a mountain of eggy bread handed to us after we'd all finished eating. The oddest one was some pickle made from the sour fruit that grows in the tree outside, she left it out in the sun on the roof and then presented it to us. It was horrible, we left it in the kitchen for 2 days and then threw it out.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the food I do eat. Everyday at school I have this (though a much smaller portion). Coinsidentally this is the plate of food I had on the day of my 'episode' and I threw the whole thing up again about 30 minute after this picture was taken. Its rice with daal and the most incredibly spicy vegetables I have ever eated in my life. I usually have a tiny portion just to make the food more interesting. One day I got a crazy idea in my head that I would start building myself up a massive tolerance to spicy food by just eating loads of the vegetables everyday. This lasted one day. I had about a palm sized portion, started feeling funny half way through and by the end I was red and sweaty, my nose was running and blood was pounding in my ears. We eat with our hands at the school and my fingers as well as my mouth were burning. They are evily spicy. None of the teachers think this though, one of them rejected them once as she wanted something spicy.
At Nallasopara we only get bananas and biscuits because there's no gas to cook, except on thursdays when we get Samosa Pao from the 'restaurant' across the street. Samosa Pao is awesome. Its a massive samosa that you shove in a bread roll. Pao means bread, you pronounce it pow and I love it because if someone ever asks me what I had for breakfast I can say Peanut Butter POW! like I'm in batman or something! here is Samosa Poa. Its actually Vikki's because I devoured mine before remebering to take a photo. She'd already bitten it and decided it was too spicy so she gave it to a dog. She loves the Nallasopara dogs.
On Saturdays we take the kids to the beach or park and get dinner at a cafe after. We rotate Marsala Doosa (crispy pancake filled with yellow potato stuff, odd donut shaped polenta things and Pao Bhaji. I don't like the donuts. I love Pao Bhaji and not just because of the Pao which they butter on both sides! Top, bottom and middle! Its the tastiest thing ever. Here it is!

I also quite like the Doosa. So much so that I've yet to remember to take its picture. The cafe also does incredible fresh juice. When you order the juice you see them go and get the fruit off the shelf to make it. The pineapple is good, but the orange is heavenly, it is the greatest juice you will ever drink in your life. I have it every week and whenever I do I think of how jealous dad would be if he knew how good the juice was. Here is my juice, I had a little before I remebered the picture. Pineapple is in the background.
We goout to dinner sometimes and quite a lot we get takeaways (anther reason why I am fat). Mostly falafel or pizza. Once we made a terrible mistake and got Chinese. I ordered soup. It came in a plastic bag. I will not be ordering chinese again.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of your food! And I love the idea of a samosa sandwich, mm. Speaking of food, I was trying to explain the whole double/triple chips phenomenon to someone the other day but I don't think they really understood.
