Tuesday 14 April 2009

Thanks for the sympathy!!!!!

I'm so glad other people think that the world becomes slightly less happier when your laptop dies. It makes me feel slightly less pathetic. I will pass on the sympathy to the others, we're all suffering together.

For anyone keeping track, the broken items in are apartment are:
1. Television
2. Plumbing
3. Toaster (we hold bread over a naked flame to make our toast)
4. Desktop computer (flooded)
5. Desktop computer (dead on arrival)
6. Laptop
7. 3 dining table chairs
8. Washing Machine (we store cutlery on it)
9. Fan in bedroom (you have to give it a good push to get it going)
10. Lego brick speaker for ipod
11. The big speakers we found to replace the lego speaker
12. Every single flyscreen (they're held together by duct tape)
The fridge made a valiant attempt at dying on sunday, it was fixed though, we only lost a tub of ice cream.

For anyone placing bets on when any of these things will be repaired I'd start looking around 2010. I will die of shock if anything gets done before we leave.

Did I ever tell the story of the toaster? Its really not that interesting. The holdy down mechanism was broken when we got there so our maid (an adorable but stroppy teenager from the school who cooks and cleans for us... when she can be bothered) used to jam a spoon in the lever to make it stay down. I found this shocking until I had to stand there for 5 minutes holding it down while the lever dug into my finger and just started jamming a spoon into it too. Anyway, one day the ants (that infest our apartment) swarmed into the toaster and our maid decided the best way to tackle this was to spray it with bug spray... about 6 times. So since then we're all a bit against using it.

In case the post seems a bit depressing I do have good news! Last night we spent a jolly hour checking our hair for lice and we're all nit free!

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