Monday 2 March 2009

Things to do for 14 hours in Jaipur

(Me, Vikki and our new elephant friend)

1) Get horribly lost leaving the train station and end up being followed into dead end by a collection of Rickshaw drivers that you've been doing your best to convince that you know exactly where you're going.

2) Spend ages searching for anywhere that sells chai so you can use the toilet, failing this, try and check into a hotel to use their toilet only to discover everywhere is either full or still being built.

3) Hot and sweaty eventually find an amazing hotel/restaurant in the guidebook described as an 'oasis'. Spend you're entire morning (and most of the afternoon) using the facilities. Wonder why you didn't just do this straight away.

4) Get the hotel to recommend touristy things to do and let them provide you with one of their rickshaw drivers to show you around.

5) After a delightfully relaxing day return to the station 15 minutres before night train is due to leave to discover that there is nothing and no-one to tell you which platform your train is leaving from and the cloakroom you left your bags in is padlocked shut for the night.

6) Run around the train station like desperate idiots (entertaining all the waiting passengers) trying to find someone to open the cloakroom and anything to tell you where the train is going from. Gatecrash the station masters office to find out the train is actually an hour late and the cloakroom attend was on a break so your bags are actually fine.

7) Sit on platfrom for over an hour getting hotter and sweatier and feeling incredibly glad that you're leaving Jaipur.

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