Friday 27 March 2009

Pimp My Rickshaw

I'm assuming everyone knows what a rickshaw is. If you don't, they're basically a 3-wheeled motor bike that someone shoved a box on top of. They are one of the major forms of transport in Mumbai (and most cities) and I catch at least 2 a day to get to school and back (average journey cost: 20p). They're an exhilerating and petrifying way to travel and I love them!

Sadly there are no good pictures to illustrate this post, rickshaws are very small and cramped and the drivers are often irritable little men who do not appreciate waiting around for a foreigner (who didn't tip) to take photos of them. I did google "rickshaw pimp" which led me to this little beauty a slightly more extreme version of what I'm talking about!

Rickshaws in all of the India I have seen look exactly the same on the outside: black, yellow and on 3 wheels. They whizz about all over the roads and all you ever really see of them is a little black blur rushing past. But once you get inside a whole other world opens up. Every single rickshaw has put a little bit of effort into pimping and personalising their little vehicle. Its crazy, like a mountain of colourful vinyl washed up shore one day and someone said finally, now the inside of my rickshaw can be fushia. Some just go with one bright bold colour all over the seats and ceiling. We've been in red, blue, green, yellow, black, brown, purple and my favourite gold glitter vinyl covered insides. Others mix it up by adding a colourful trim around the edging. Many choose to take this even further by making their trim a thick band of, what can only be, discarded carpet from the 1970s. My favourite ones are those who do all this and then add little motifs to the backs of the seats: hearts, dolphins, shapes, all neatly colour co-ordinated with the rest of the design. And just when you think there is nothing more that can possibly be pimped, some of that shove a massive set of speakers on the back ledge and play you Bollywood music if you ask nicely.

There is a little leap of happiness in my heart whenever we hop into a new rickshaw and we get to see what madness has unfolded within. I wonder who does it for them. Is there a special place where you pick designs or is it whatever the wifey at home had lying around? It makes you wonder about the stern man driving up front. How can he look so miserable, yet have decorated his handlebars with fringing and chosen a lime green and yellow colour scheme for within?If only I spoke Hindi I could learn these secrets.

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