Thursday 28 May 2009

Rash or Bite?

This is one of the many exciting questions you get to ask when living in India. It is one I have been asking on and off for the past week about a strange collection of bumpy red things on my leg. I get bitten a lot, so I asummed they were bites. But everyone else in the house has broken out in heat rashes, which made me think it could be a rash. Well after much puzzling someone finally announced that what ever it was, it was 'infected'. Lovely. And then someone else pointed this out, and another person so I decided perhaps I should toddle off to the doctor and let him decide.

Our local doctor is a funny one. I've been to him before when I had insane stomach cramps. Rather than throughly diagnose you, he pinpoints whats wrong to a rough selection of symptoms and then gives you prescription drugs for all of them. Quite often an array of differet problems are cured by the exact same drug (most recently massive pink horse pills have solved animal bites and colds). Last time he decided I had a stomach infection so I got one set of pills for that. But then he also decided to give me pills for all the other odd symptoms I'd mentioned. So I came away with a prescription for 3 different drugs.

So off I went to discover the secret of the red lumps, it turns out it is neither rash nor bite! Its the mysterious third option.... Heat Boils! Even lovlier. A little departing gift for my body because the sweat and loose motions wasn't enough!

This time I escaped with only 2 prescriptions, I protested against the pain pills. So I have some cream that says get well soon on the packet and some oxymoxycycloquinsilaxisin-thing (big and red and black) for the 'infection'. I have no idea if its working, it mostly makes me feel woozy.

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