Sunday 24 May 2009

A New Arrival

Look how cute this little bundle of happiness is! Her name is Snow White, we call her Snow for short. She found being eaten by rats and was rescued by Tania and then adopted by the two orphans who live at school, Pavarti and Malesh. So the school has a cat now! She spends her days roaming around the office looking adorable and making it very hard to get any work done. She was quite ill when we first took her in and so came and stayed at our house for a couple of days which was brilliant! She wandered around and explored everything and curled up on the big water bottle to have some sleep. She's all skinny and has giant ears and paws, the lady at the pet shop thinks she might have worms which is quite cute really because lots of the kids at school have worms to! She fits in!

Anyway, Snows adoption seems like the perfect time to write about her new owners, Pavarti and Malesh. I had to say goodbye to them yesterday and it broke my heart to leave them. They have been such a big part of our experience at school and are a great example of why I'm so proud to be working for an organisation like One! International.

Pavarti is about 7 and Malesh is about 16, though no one knows for sure. There father was an alcoholic and he died when they were younger. After that they moved to Mumbai with there mother to find work. She was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver a couple of years ago. They were then split up and sent to live with different relatives. They were both poorly looked after and suffered both physical and mental abuse. Pavarti was hurt the most by this and became very withdrawn and would speak to no one but Malesh. Her health deteriated and they ended up living out on the beach by the school. Back in August Pavarti started having trouble breathing. The fishermen that lived nearby brought them to One! International to see if they could help. One! took pavarti to three different hospitals before someone would treat her. Finally a semi-private hospital took her in and had to perform life saving techniques to keep her going. One! found a sponsor to cover the cost of her treatment. The doctor gave her various timelines for how long she would stay alive. Originally a couple of weeks, then maybe up to two years and then decided that she could live well into adulthood or die the next day, they couldn't be sure. No one knows specifically what is wrong with her. She was attatched to an oxygen machine which she had to stay on for up to 18 hours a day. One! got permission for them to live at school and paid to hire an oxygen machine so she could continue her treatment. They have been living at the school ever since.

In this time Pavarti's health has greatly improved, last month she came off the oxygen completely. She attends class and happily interacts with all the students, teachers and volunteers. She's so funny and has a really evil cackle when she laughs, she climbs up everything and once you pick her up she'll cling on to you and never let go. Malesh is a wonderful older brother and is so sweet with her. He was a bit unimpressed when they first got the cat, but is quite proud of how much attention it gets.

They are both so amazing and I think its incredible that without One! Pavarti would not be here today. I hope they continue to flourish and I will miss them terribly.

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