Sunday 31 May 2009

Bye Bye India

Oh it is so sad. Despite the loose motions, dehydration, vomiting, sweating, rashes, insect bites and heat boils India really has been completely amazing. I'm already plotting my next trip back. How could I not, the children are far to brilliantly adorable to not see again.

Although underneath it all I supose I am happy to be coming home, there are so many wonderful people and things here I am going to miss. Despite its many many many flaws I will miss our little apartment, it was a lovely little home. I'll miss its roof and the sunsets, the lane by our house, the friendly man in the internet cafe, the shop thats full of western delights and Mocha Mojo - our air condintioned second home. I'm going to miss Bandra, and Mumbai and ocasionally understanding the hindi people spoken around me. I'll miss the risking my life everytime I get in a rickshaw or cross the street. I'll miss chai at the benches, and chai after school, and chai at the train station, and chai on the street.

I'm really not going to miss rice and Daal. Or the food burning my mouth so much that the blood pounds in my ears.

But mostly I'll miss the people. Josh and Tania for being so supportive, welcoming us into their home and providing such an incredible experience. The teachers at school for being so friendly and helpful. The other volunteers for being generally awesome and brilliant (Hi Amy!). Of course the children for being amazing and giving us so much love and entertainment, they will stay in our hearts for ever.

And I suppose I'll miss Lu and Vikki (who are abandoning me and heading off to South East Asia and Europe). They told me about One! and my experience here would not have been the same without them. They've have been amazing, brilliant, wonderful and fantastical friends and teachers and volunteers and bitching partners and travelling companions. I could not have done this without them. I'm missing them already!

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