Wednesday 18 February 2009

Touching down in Delhi

I have spent far too long in airports over the last two days. First Manchester, then a very boring 3 hours in Heathrow Terminal 5 (which is very lame) and finally about 5 hours in Delhi International baggage claim (surrounded by spitting men and army guys with rifles) waiting for Vikki and Luanna to get in.

But after all that... I made it! Delhi is insane. You have to be hyper-aware of everything at all times which isn't getting on well with my jet lag.We've just got back from a little wander and the whole time you're clutching your bag, warding off the 'helpful' people trying to drag you into shops to get commission, avoiding potholes in the road, dodging beggars and leaping out of the way of on-coming traffic. Its an incredibly intense experience. Everywhere is so small and cramped and noisey abd dusty you can't quite believe you're in a capital city. At one point we were trying to shake off some shopkeeper while a small girl did back flips in front of us and then got caught in the middle of a traffic jam between a little rickshaw and a cart pulled by a cow. On the upside we had a little sit down and got some henna done, its very theraputic peeling it all off!

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