Friday 20 February 2009

Everything is better now I've slept...

(This is Luanna, Vikki and Me outside some building)

Everything is more than better, It's Amazing!
I love it, I love everything, even the annoying people harrassing me are quite entertaining at this point! I've seen cows and camels and horses and dogs and monkeys (wild, on a leash and wearing womens clothes) all just chilling on the side of the road, how brilliant is that!

So after I posted the last blog we went back to our room, I read some harry potter and then we met some other girls and all went out to dinner at a lovely rooftop restaurant over looking the main bazaar and since then everything has just seemed more lovely and exciting. You get used to the crazy assault on your senses and I've realised that the cars all have good breaks so even if I do wander into their path, they're probably going to stop!

We've had a driver for the last couple of days who took us on a trip to Agra yesterday and then sightseeing around Delhi today. He's lovely, he claims to speak very little english, but we all ended up chatting away. He has two sons and an ex-wife, but one son is only 10 days old and unfortunately his english wasn't good enough to explain what had happened, so we'll never know. India is massive, it was a 5 hour drive to Agra and then 5 hours back. I couldn't believe it, the Delhi and Agra dots are practically touching in my guide book map! The whole reason for going to Agra was to see the Taj Mahal and the 10 hour round trip was more than worth it. It is an incredible experience, I could have stayed there for hours just gazing at it. It so much more ornate up close, we had a guide who was telling us all about the stone inlaying and different carving. Just so much labour and effort went into its construction, it's amazing. Because of the type of marble the whole building glows in the afternoon sun, it changes colour depending on the type of day. iut was gutting not to be able to see it at sunset or sunrise... I guess its just a reason to come and visit again! Our guide told us in his youth he would take his lady friends there in the moonlight during monsoon season but sadly strict security has stopped that from happening now.

Today he took us on a tour around the sights of Delhi, I forgot my guidebook and that, combined with his lack of English means I'm not entirely sure of the names of where we went... but it was all good anyway! We visited a Hndu Temple where we had to go into a foreigners only room to deposit our shoes and cameras! All the female visitors were wearing crazily bright coloured saris and when we sat at the side to people watch they were waving at us and blowing kisses, it make you feel all special! (way better than yesterday when a group of guys took pictures of us with their camera phones then posed near us so it looked lke we were all together, very creepy. The men today asked permission to do it, we said no, even with permission its wierd! Then we visited hyumanana Tomb (spelt very wrong), India Gate, Qutab Minar (big tower) which was all beautiful and interesting and just so different to anything I've seen before but none of those was amazing as the final temple we visted that was sat in the middle of a beautiful garden and shaped like a lotus flower. In the midst of the madness of Delhi it was so calm and tranquil.

We just got back from a mad few hours shopping outside, we need to find food and the internet is really slow. I haven't even mentioned our insane rides on cycle rickshaws or how rubbish and guilty you feel when little children come knocking on the car windows begging, but I'll have to leave it there.

Sorry if the spelling/grammer is appaulling, I'm too tired to check the post!


  1. Wicked! Glad to hear you're having fun. Keep blogging, it's very entertaining on a Sunday morning ;)


  2. Hi Becca, So pleased you are enjoying India, as I said, you need to see it to believe it. Go with the flow and you will be rewarded, don't fight the system or it will break you. How about some pic's of the wonderful food to make our mouths water.
    I also challenge you to photograph a motorbike with more than 5 people, a dog and a gas bottle on it, thats my record.

    Uncle Paul
